Monday 5 December 2011

Amendments to Poster

After I gathered my audience feedback off facebook on my print products, I decided I needed at least one element of continuity between my products especially the prints. For this I had then decided that this one element could be the colour palette and this was decided from my audience research as people thought that there could be a little more colour rather than the edited black and white version of the images. Moreover, I then decided that the amendments to be made were quite simple, I will use the original image in which shows the actors in quite colourful costumes to draw the attention mainly to them, and I will also lighten the grey colour in which I have used for the title just so it is bolder and also with stands some of the forms and conventions of that of a professional romantic comedy without it being mainstream everyday rom com, I wanted it to have its unique features hence why the pose shows the distance between the pair along with the obstacles they have to face. I had found from my rough cut that I hadn't fully edited the background so I had to make this amendment.

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