Wednesday 24 August 2011

24/8/11 Update Video

I have created a video update in which shows why I have chosen the genre 'romantic comedy' and what has inspired me in particular about this genre and therefore explains the texts in which I am going to research for my textual analysis. I am going to research texts such as 'it's a boy girl thing', 'a cinderella story', 'friends with benefits' as well as my main inspirations 'coyote ugly', 'twilight' and 'another cinderella story' so that I can make my products as realistic as possible. I decided to research twilight as it is mainly shown on magazines whereas romantic comedies aren't, but twilight seems to represent romance more than action. However, from this I have chosen this genre, and these texts because it allows me more freedom.

However, as an update my inspiration has changed so I am basing my plot around 'Raise your voice', 'coyote ugly' and 'a walk to remember' so instead I am planning to look more closely into these rather than into 'another cinderella story' but will later discuss some features in which I will use from the film 'another cinderella story'. 

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