Thursday 25 August 2011

Textual Research

I have researched a few different texts for each products so that I can get a wider knowledge of how I can develop my products in order to make them more realistic. I have further looked into the mechanics of trailers in terms of the shot types, how many shots there is, the length of the trailer and also looked at the use of sound, dialogue, inter-titles and how many logos are used. Furthermore, I have also looked at magazines and posters in terms of the costume, props, locations, characters and also the poses in which are used and what effect I think this may have on the potential audience. I had also looked into basic forms and conventions of magazines including positioning of characters, features of the magazine and other information in which may have an impact on the issues of representation and connotations in the texts.

1 comment:

  1. This needs a path through.
    It's very thin at present and has no critical depth.
    I want to see you deconstructing screen shots of the trailer. How are the shots composed and why? What narrative information is given to the viewer from individual shots? What about costume and character types? How is the trailer edited - does the pace signify the genre? What kinds of transitions are used? Why? What sounds are evident? SFX to create effect and signify genre? Music??? connotations of the music? Key pieces of dialogue to provide narrative information?

    With print discuss the content of sell lines and how it indicates the nature of the magazine e.g. mainstream or independent. What about relation to the types of film it reviews etc. Discuss page layout and design. What about text to image ratio? Text positioning?
    Photography composition? Characters featured? Is the film being sold on a star persona? What about costume?

    Please re-visit this and provide much more detail.
