Friday 26 August 2011

Textual Research Conclusion

I have made a video in which discusses my findings from my textual analysis and how this has impacted my choices in terms of making my products. I have discussed possible costumes, along with the amount of characters I am going to use, and also what exactly I have taken into consideration from my textual analysis. 

In conclusion, from my textual analysis I had discovered the forms and conventions in which I will use in my products such as slow edited shots to show the feeling and emotion within the film and most trailers in which I have looked at use this as a convention. However, I have found that the characters in Rom Coms wear casual clothing so it is focused more on what is happening rather than there personality and this could connote that it is about the personality of the characters not what is seen. From this I am making my characters casually dressed with the female character being smart-casual rather than just casual like the male. I have developed my ideas from this by using the characters being both of the similar social class replicated through the costume, but I am going to have the social class as a complication as the female being a bit higher up. From my textual analysis I am going to replicate the genre through the use of colours as the textual analysis shows this could be aimed at mainly females, but may appeal to men if I change these so they are challenging the stereotypical ideology on conventions. 

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