Sunday 4 September 2011

Mood Board, Initial Ideas

I had created a board in which shows my inspiration for my products.
I have gathered these ideas of both characters, and clothing due to my audience, and textual research. I have done this by looking closely at who the genre in which I am recreating appeals more to and then basing the conventions around these findings. The inspiration in which I have taken from this is 'Sam' from 'Cinderella Story' and I am going to base my male character on her rather than my female character otherwise it would be to similar. I am planning on taking some personality traits from Sam and the 'working class' lifestyle as well as similar clothing for the male character. For example, from my textual analysis I have seen that the continuity of clothing is casual for this specific genre to show the 'spontaneous situations' of falling in love and I am trying to recreate this by using casual clothing for my male character. However, from textual research on 'Coyote Ugly' I have chosen the females costume inspiration from this film in particular to show the sexy side of the genre. However, my audience research has allowed me to see who mainly I am aiming my products and therefore the narrative, locations and also the characters can be aimed at these in particular.
However, ideas for my narrative are formed simply by using my textual analysis and I am planning on creating is using the characters voice, with music playing in the background. Also I have decided I would like to use a narrative which is similar to again, a cinderella story but this time with a mixture from a 'it's a boy girl thing' too. The reason in which I wanted to do this was so I could develop the plot around the narrative and I have come up with the idea that the narrative will open the trailer by telling the basic plot and life of the girl. However, I am not intending on using the sarcastic narrative used in the trailer for 'a cinderella story' as it would be to similar. It then would merge into her growing up in a well off family with the dream of becoming a musician but it proves more difficult to become this. When one day she recieves a phone call and gets a gig. Furthermore, as the narrative goes on it becomes obvious that her dreams are finally coming true. Until one day she meets a male and everything changes. However, the narrative is not definate and I am not yet sure whether I will use this as a plot, but if I do I feel I am going to call it either 'Sweet Surrender' or 'Worlds Apart'. This idea however is not yet fully developed and seems uninteresting at the moment.

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