Wednesday 7 September 2011

Audience Research

For each of the following profiles I had gone onto which shows both upcoming, and pre-released movies. Also looking at the specific profiles in which I had found it also compares the profile with that of similar data, or genre. However, I have compared a large variation of films within the same genre so that I have a strong estimation of who I am aiming my products at. From my research I have discovered that there is a wide range of ages that go to see the researched films, with the average of these estimates being of a female audience.

Friends With Benefits Profile
From looking at this profile I can see that the main age range in which had watched 'Friends with Benefits' was between the set 15-24 with 56%, this suggests that the comedy within this films is not relevant to that of people below the age 15 as there is no percentage below the set 15-24. Also from the data provided I can see the percentage of men and women in which had been to see this film, and from this it is clear that the movie was more popular with females but not by as much as expected. According to the profile it is clear that 55% of females had rated 'Friends with Benefits' and 45% of men also did. The profile also represents how popular the movie was amongst different social classes and from this I can see that 'friends with benefits' was most popular amongst the social class C1 with 37%. From research I have done the social class C1 is made up of doctors, managers, etc.

It's a Boy Girl thing Profile
 Looking closely at this profile confirms the hypothesis in which I had, and this was that the main target audience would be that of a large audience of females. The data connotates that 65% of the people in which are represented in the data were females with a small 35% being males and the most common social group was DE, with AB following closely after. The social group DE (Low working class) had 30% whilst AB (Upper Class) had 29%. This specific data shows that the film appealed to a majority of people from different social classes and this has further impact on my choices as more people would be interested in the products, if it has a relevant perspective to reach out to all social classes. However, from this data the main age range was between the ages of 12-14 with 28% then 7-11 with 22%. This further suggests that I will have to adapt my products in order to entice all age ranges because the majority of people from this research suggests the audiences are young or middle aged.

A Cinderella Story Profile
A cinderella story had proved the hypothesis in which I previously had because it shows that 78% of the people in which are represented by the data were females. From the title of the film being 'a cinderella story' this could connotate that it is like the fairytale 'cinderella' so I assumed that mainly younger people, or teenagers would be interested in this film with a mixture of social classes. Furthermore, from this data the main age range was between the section 7-11 with 35%, with a further mixture of the other ages. Also from this as assumed there was a mixture of social classes in which had seen this particular film with the main section being AB (33%) , followed by C1 (32%). This suggests that the film was not provided with an age limit and therefore reaches out mainly to a younger audience .

What Happens In Vegas Profile
 From this profile unlike the others, there is a mixture of genders in which are included in this data. However, the main gender in which were interested in this specific film were females with 57% and a male percentage of 43%. Furthermore, the main age range once again for this film was between the ages of 15-24 with a percentage of 50% which is half of the people involved in the data, and from this the rest of the data in terms of ages are fairly mixed. In terms of social class however there is a mixed variation represented in the data with the main popularity of film being amongst the social class C1 with 37% and AB closely following with 29%.

Love and Other Drugs Profile
From this profile my hypothesis is clearly marked as the majority of people in which have watched this movie were females and from research I feel that this is the case due to the plot being more in terms of romance and not the comedy. From this I realised I have to use an even mixture of both comedy and romance to entice a wider audience. However, in terms of age range the most popular age was once again 15-24 with 78% and unlike the other profiles there were no views below this section and barely any in other categories. In social class the main range of people were of the C1 class and this means that they were upper class, with profession such as teachers, etc. Furthermore this was not what was expected in terms of social class, yet it was the right estimate in terms of age.

Bride Wars profile
In terms of this profile the majority of views were by females with a large percentage of 87% to the male percentage of only 13%. This was what was expected in terms of the plot because it doesn't really involve much comedy and does not use forms and conventions in which appeal to men as well as women. In terms of social class the majority of ages were once again between the age range of 15-24 with 40% and the majority of viewers were mainly in the social class C1 (38%) closely followed by AB (35%).

John Tucker Must Die Profile
The profile for 'John Tucker must die' shows a variation of viewers with an equal split of 50% each for the genders in which have watched the film. However, in terms of ages the range in which is most popular is between 15-24 with 47% and 12-14 closely follows with 20%. This further suggests that the main age range in which watches these types of film is that of a teenage, or middle aged group. In terms of social class there was a wide variation with AB being the most popular with a percentage of 33% and the other social classes were between 20-25% meaning that there was quite a range of social classes being enticed by this movie.

In conclusion, from this research I am planning on using a wide range of language in order to attract a wider audience of all ages. From my research I have concluded that the majority of the audience in which Romantic Comedies appeal to are women of teenage years, or a middle age with a mixture of social classes; so in my products I am planning on challenging this ideology in terms of my poster, and also magazine cover to entice both male and female audiences of all social classes. Due to my findings I am going to do individual questionnaires and interviews so that I can expand my findings, the audience research has impacted my decision on the questions so that I can aim my products equally at males and females to see which both genders prefer to see in this genre. Also I am going to evenly interview at least 4 males and 4 females to see what they think about the genre, and possible plot I am doing. Alongside this I may ask people via facebook about what they think of the genre I am chosing to do and I will conclude this in my primary research.

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