Thursday 8 September 2011

Summary of Findings

Below I have created a video of my main findings and from these I have discussed what I have found in terms of genders, and the genre interests and how the genre is often replicated in professional products, and how this has influence my ideas. I have found that the main ages in which normally are interested in the genre are between the ages of 15-24 and mainly females, however I found this is quite stereotypical as some men are interested in these same movies and have commented on what they like within the genre. The video below discusses my findings and also shows the impact on my products and how I am going to use these as an ideal of how to appeal to my potential audience.

I have questionned ten people in total in which five were female, and five were male to interpret the finding fairly so that I can determine correctly whether the stereotypical gender interests are true. However, there are some finding in which contradict this alongside showing the truth in the assumption. This was found by some males being interested in Rom Coms, whereas some females were not. From this, I will use this to make my products equally appel to both males and females through the use of colours, images, etc. Furthermore, it is found that both males and females like watching trailers for Romantic Comedies mainly because they have a happy ending and a feel good factor.

In my questionnaire, I had given four posters and four magazines in which I wanted the audience to compare and contrast so that I could have a basic view in what I had to do to appeal to my potential audiences. I have found that the prefferred posters was 'The Ugly Truth' and from this I will use this as my main influence for my own poster with using the colours and poses from 'It's a boy girl thing' so that it is not too similar or plain and they were continuously commented on throughout my audience research. From the findings of the magazine I have found that the majority of people liked the first and second one's due to the use of contrasting colours and also the images of a happy couple. People seem to enjoy seeing a happy couple on the front cover mainly because of the fact that it clearly represents the genre and overall, from these findings I am using this to introduce my products yet adapt this to suit my trailer and adapt it so it is different.

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