Wednesday 7 September 2011

Audience Conclusion

In conclusion of my secondary audience research of film profiles I have created pie charts in which show averages on the following data I had found from the Pearl and Dean statistical data. I have created charts in which show the averages of gender, age range, and also social class. The reason in which I had done this is because I think it will allow me to refer back to it when making my products, without looking at multiple amounts of research, to see whom I am aiming my products at in order for me to make it more realistic.

This chart clearly shows the average of genres for all of the films in which I had researched. I had done this by getting all of the percentages for the different genders on each film and on excel found the average and then turned this into a pie chart. The chart shows that with an average of 66:34 or a sum of 461:239 this suggests that the majority of people in which are interested in the genre I am doing (Romantic Comedies) are females, with some male interest. This will influene all of my decisions on from this point including primary research I will carry out, due to the large gap I am going to interview and question both males and females but I will focus mainly on women as these are my main target audience.

The chart above shows the age groups in which may, or may not be interested in the romantic comedy genre. The chart clearly shows that the main age group in which my products are most likely to entice is that between 15-24 with an average of 43 and a sum of 303 people of this group being interested in the romantic comedies I have researched, with barely any youngsters (15-) being interested in romantic comedies. This may be because of the content in which is in the products and from this data I am planning on interviewing a range of people of all ages for my primary research as well as look at how I can entice people from more age groups as well, but I will focus mainly on the age range of 15 to 24 as this is similar to my own age and interest.

This chart clearly shows the social classes in which are interested in the genre I have chosen. The chart represents that the 'romantic comedy' genre is most popular within the social class C1 with an average of 35 and a sum of 243, closely followed by the social class AB which has an average of 28 and a sum of 199, and the other two social classes C2 and DE having an average of  18:19, and sums of 128:130 which isn't much difference. The social classes in which they are most popular with are Upper Classes and in terms of primary research this suggests that when making my products and carrying out primary research I will need to specifically target these people, and this may include teachers at college, as well as those who are employed and been to uni for example.

In conclusion, from all of this data I have discovered I will mainly be aiming my products at females between the ages of 15-24 which are mainly in upper classes. However, I am planning on trying to entice a wider audience rather than just this specific area of people and I am going to do this through primary research and asking what people expect to see in this specific genre, and if people are not interested when filling in the questionnaire or completing interview on the genre I will ask what they want to see in order to make this genre better. Furthermore, in terms of magazines they often appeal mainly to men so I will have to create a magazine in which appeals mainly to women.

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