Friday 16 September 2011

Flat Plans - Poster

This was the first draft of the poster in which I am going to create for my film but I feel it could be more effective. I have done the poster like this so it resembles the poster for 'the ugly truth' and it shows the two separate worlds and how the two characters are distant. However, I am planning on changing this so that it is more fitted to the genre and also so that it shows more of the 'romance' factor as well as the distance between the two characters. I am intending on changing this so that the male character is facing the wall with the woman in the same position but looking back. 

I stuck to three main colour palette once again for the poster and this consisted up of; black, pink and blue, this is because it shows the boy and girl theme with black being a neutral colour in between and also the sophisication and mystery within the story. I had chose to emphasise the characters clothing on this, with them showing the contrast between the two characters which was suggested by my focus group. The image will be like that of the 'ugly truth' poster and it will be quite simple with the two models facing away from each other, with the stereotypical looking over the shoulder pose. I am going to do this by having the female facing away and the two characters holding hands and the male looking over his shoulder at her. I am planning on doing that to show the difference between the two characters and also connote some of the feelings and personality of the two characters, with both of them being equal but very different people. I wanted my poster to look different to that of most of the texts I have looked at just because of the fact I want it to also show the comedy side of it all. The poster will be a long shot so that audience can see the full character and also their eyeline will be in the center third to suggest they are equal to each other, with them also creating their own view of what they think may happen in the film being advertised. I have tried to make my flatplans based on the feedback I had gotten from my focus group in order to do this to their standards so it appeals to a wider audience.
Once again I am going to use bold texts on my poster so that it is clear to read and will catch the eye of the audience from far away, with it standing out off the white background. I am planning on having most of the text in capitals to emphasise what the text is saying; and by this I have decided the characters names and the titles will be in capitals, with the tagline being in smaller fonts. I am planning on making the credits in capitals small but on the bottom of the page to make it look more professional like in the texts I have looked at. The title has put the emphasis on 'two worlds' showing the contrast once again between the two characters showing that they are from two totally different background and may not fit well and work well together. However in terms of this I am going to have the last name of the male in blue, with the female in pink and also then going on to use black for the title and red for the release date and website. The reason in which I did this was to show continuity between the two print products and I am planning on running this through to my trailer as well to show the package as a whole.
I chose to use a simple layout so that it is easy to look at and follow with the use of tagline showing what the narrative is about without given away too much of the storyline. I did this to create something that will draw in the reader and add mystery and grab interest of the readers, whether they are male or female. I tried to attract the right audience for a Rom Com bu showing the factors on my print products but I am planning to push through the comedy sector more in the trailer and this was a question for my focus group, and the decision was suggested by the majority of the people asked.
I have also included the certificate to show that it is suitable for any age but also the date its released and a website, to just provide somevmore information as this is always included on a movie poster, as the poster is an information element as well as for promotion.

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