Friday 16 September 2011

Flat Plans Inspiration (Poster)

I have gathered two images in which I could use as inspiration for my products as it has two main characters in which my film also will. However, during looking at posters for the romantic comedy genre these are the two in which stood out most to me because of the positioning of the two characters being quite far apart, or in different worlds and this is what I want to connote in my products. Furthermore, I have thought about props in which my characters will also have on the poster and this will be further shown and explained when creating my flat plans. 

I have taken inspiration from the ugly truth by using a similar image because it shows the drama and difficulties of all typical relationships and I think this would appeal to a wider potential audience. 55% of the people in which I had questioned said that this poster appealed more to them because it shows two very different people that are obviously going to fall in love which gives the impression that anything can happen. Also because I had questioned people of different ages it shows that this is suited to a wider age range because adults had commented that it is more suited to their age and a film they prefer, whereas a younger audience had commented on the mystery and also people had said that it was more realistic because of the use of clothes and the image standing out to them, it appears that the characters are just like every other person. However, in terms of the overall poster the comments in which were made was that it was not too busy but it needs more colours. In terms of this comment I am going to use this image as inspiration yet change the colours so that it stands out to a wider audience with characters in which the potential audience can relate to.


I have taken inspiration from 'It's a boy girl thing' by using a similar pose, and a similar male character. On my poster I am going to use similar clothing as the male character so that he looks quite lower class, casual with the female looking of a slightly higher social class, but still casual. I wanted to do this to create a slight complication between the two characters when they fall in love and the narrative will further explain this. 20% of the people I had questioned had said that it has eye-catching colours, poses and a good image in which shows everyday people. From this I have interpreted that a poster using these  sorts of people and colours attract both males and females and shows more of a comical side so from this I am intending on taking the character inspiration and personality from the movie, with the male being lower class typical and outgoing, and the female being lower class trying to better herself when they learn they aren't so different. I feel using pink will connote women, and blue to connote men as the two stereotypical colours for the genders.

However I had also gave two other magazines in which I wanted comments on because I also found these inspirational in the beginning but it appears that they didn't appeal to the audience in the way in which I assumed. I had asked the audience what they thought of the posters 'A Cinderella Story' and 'Bride Wars'. From this I had found that 15% had been attracted by 'A Cinderella Story' whereas only 10% was interested by 'Bride Wars'.  The two posters are shown below: 

The comments in which were made about the poster for 'A Cinderella Story' was that it could connote different worlds coming together and falling in love, anything can happen. Also another comment was that it shows a happy couple with less text which makes it more appealing to them as a person. I have in a way taken this as inspiration because my magazine I am planning on making has less text because I had taken this into consideration, but I have twisted this and have shown the drama rather than the love story in the poster but I am planning on changing this by making them have a wall between them but they man with his hands against the wall facing the woman to show the love between the two characters but showing the woman just singing and not realising him, or pretending not to at least, which is shown in my narrative. 

There was only one comment in which was made on this poster and this was that this was preferred by a female of 17 years of age and this is because it shows the controversy between the two girls in which could show them fighting over the main character and in a way I could of used this but I didn't want to give this much of the narrative away. 

In conclusion, I have chosen 'The Ugly Truth' as my MAIN inspiration mainly due to the fact it shows the distance between the two characters but it shows they will fall in love due to the use of props. However, I am going to change this to the male character with his hands against the wall looking to the girl, with the girl turned away slightly but looking at her, to show the potential romance between the two characters without giving too much away.

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