Wednesday 28 September 2011

Sound Ideas

In my trailer I will be using all of the following: dialogue, voiceover, soundtrack and sound effects. I am planning on using all of these because this is what are used in professional Romantic Comedy trailers and I feel this will add realism to my products. I will be using these so that it clearly shows my genre, but I will not use so many sound effects. There are not often many sound effects used in the romantic comedy genre, and this is one of the main reasons in which I had chose this because I am less restricted and it would be easier to replicate something of this genre. I am going to use a voice over, but it will not run continually throughout my trailer and I am planning on using a strong female voice. I am planning on using a female voice because most of the trailers in which I have looked at have used this type of voice over because I think it is more of a dominant voice in which people are inclined to listen to because it would be more powerful than that of a quiet female. I have further discussed my dialogue in the 'storyboard' post and I have discussed my soundtracks in a separate post so that it is not to crammed. However, I know that I want the dialogue I use to be effective in terms of representing the genre and I want it to be well fitted and slightly dramatic. To do this I will try get the characters to use different tones of voice, to show the emotion clearly. In terms of a voice over I am planning on using one in which is similar to the trailer below: 

I think that in terms of the voiceover it will be an important factor because most of the romantic comedies I have looked at use these, but it could be the character talking and telling the story as it happens but I don't think this would have the same effect. The sound is an equally important part of a trailer alongside the camera angles / cinematography, and mise-en-scene as it provides an atmosphere. With this the genre would be recognised from the soundtrack, as well as the narrative of the voice over. 

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