Sunday 11 September 2011

Proposal of Ideas

My plot is quite basic, and largely similar to other romantic comedies like 'Another Cinderella Story' or could even be reference to that of 'The Notebook'. My plot begins introducing one of the characters, which I have decided it will introduce my female character through the use of voiceover. However, I am not going to do this like a normal voice over but by having the female character speaking as if it was them telling the story on what is happening. I will have the female telling a normal story and then have her meet this male character when she is at work and then having the tone change. I am going to have the male character be quite rough, and lower class but have them look into each others eyes and then realise they are in love instantly. However, I will not have it develop straight from there and it will then fade into the next part of the film where they keep bumping into each other like in the film 'New York Minute' and I think this is where the relationship starts to develop as they keep talking and realise they are a lot alike. It turns out as she is telling the story it talks about her life in the past like in 'According to Greta' about how things used to be different and how she also used to be lower class on drugs, as the male character is now. This then turns to the drama as the woman the withdraws herself from this man and travels off with friends so that she does not also go back to that lifestyle. And as the trailer goes on the male character waits for her return and he then decides he needs to turn his life around. This will then be where the trailer shows him on his own walking around and then bumping into the female character and falling back into love by mistake. The girl then has to make a decision on whether she stays and helps him back on track, or goes for her dream job never to return. Below shows what I will include in each part of my product and because I did not have feedback I have done a detailed paragraph on what will be contained in each.

In the trailer, it will start by the narrative being introduced through an initial voiceover monologue by the main female character, in order to set the scene and break into the story. However, I do not want this to reveal too much of the storyline and I will have it showing bad parts of the females life in the past, and also good times of her now with a faster pace reflecting the bad times; almost like flashbacks to show that some of the pain is still there and cuts sharp like a knife. I think that it will then slow down after the scene is set and gradually go on to get slower to add more emotion and build up the tension. I wanted to use two different songs to reflect the two different sides to the ‘love story’ and these are the bad side and how it can hurt by using ‘I forgive you’ and the good side of when they first meet using ‘Lightning’. I am planning on using the bad clip near the end to show that all is okay in the end and forgotten, with the good song building the emotion at the beginning to reflect when they first fall in love. I think it would be good for some of the shots to have intertitles in-between to unravel some of the narrative, and also have credits and logos at the beginning and end to make it look more realistic. I think it may be easier to stick to stereotypical conventions instead of challenging these, as most of the romantic comedies I have researched were well liked and this is what I am aiming for.


I will make the film poster containing both of my main character and this is to show full continuity between my products.  I would like my two characters to be dressed either very similar or very differently in order to show them as they are or were. I am planning on having the female quite smart and the male looking quite rough to show the contrast between them. I would like to do this by using a long shot so the characters look less isolated, however I do not want to use a location and this is due to the reason I want the image to stand off the page. The pose in which I am looking for is the characters back to back with the male looking over his shoulder at the female and them holding hands, and this is because I want to show some of the intense emotion between them. I would like the title to be the biggest font with the ‘two worlds’ being large than the beginning and end bit of the title just to add emphasis. The credits however will be smaller on the very bottom of the page just so that it looks like a professional poster.


I want my magazine to resemble that of a professional magazine and I want it to look quite artistic with the light shining from behind the two main characters. However, I want it to be very different from my poster and have an extreme close up of the two characters going in to kiss each other so that it shows the romance factor and the emotion between them. The title of my magazine will be “reel film” which is a mixture of both ‘real’ to reflect how it is a realistic occurrence and ‘reel’ to represent the cinema style. I think it sounded quite good in comparison to magazine titles such as “total film” or “entertainment” however I did base my layout on an entertainment issue, but I feel with a title like “reel film” it will appeal to a wider target audience. I will not cover my magazine in sell lines as this time I did want to challenge typical conventions but I will once again show continuity by using the same fonts as that in my poster.

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