Sunday 4 September 2011

Development of Ideas

After doing my textual research and analysis, I have concluded the findings and thought about potential ideas in terms of narrative, costume, etc for my chosen genre but I will continue developing my ideas throughout the lessons.

I have discovered that I am slightly behind and I am letting myself down. This was shown as I needed to add more detail to my textual analysis. I discovered that the more research means the more successful my products will be, and I know I can do better so I am intending to go back over my work and add detail to each part.

In terms of this comment, I have taken in what has been suggested to improve my work and I am currently working on improving my textual analysis. The textual analysis will include each point in which has been stated so I am going to work hard on improving, in the way in which I know I can do.
In terms of development of ideas I have thought about potential ideas, costumes and other techniques to clearly show the genre of my trailer, magazine, and poster. I have thought of possible locations in which could be used in the romance genre. The thoughts in which I have had are a beach, fields, and a pathway. I am specifically looking for locations that have a bright and romantic appearance combined with a light atmosphere to signify the narrative my products will show.

However, I will show the development of my ideas with a moodboard, and pictures of possible locations with annotations on why I am using these. I feel that I will not use a beach in the area because they are not of the best appearance but for the field I am planning on using one in which is close to my area. However, for the pathway I am not highly sure where I am going to use for this because I have an image of what I want to use as this location. Also in terms of locations I was thinking of using Newcastle Bridge as a possible 'walk past' moment or the London Eye but I feel that London is to far away and expensive to get to in the time provided.

In terms of costume I have based it around movies in which have already been released but I am going to annotate these in the 'Development of Ideas Update 2'.

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