Thursday 22 September 2011

22/9/11 Update

Looking at professional texts I have thought about possible captions in which I will use in order to gain effect and add suspense within the trailer to interest people. The trailers in which I have looked at include:

27 Dresses:

According to Greta:

The other trailers in which I have looked at don't often use captions within the trailer, except from giving the names of the actors. From the research however I have realised they often use captions in which are explaining the narrative rather than anything else, so I am planning on using some of the following captions:
-Would you give up your dreams.. For the dream man..
-How much would you do for the one you love
-Take a risk, Take a chance, Take the time, Make a Choice..
-What if the one you lose, becomes your main inspiration...
-What if your inspiration, inspires you to love..
-A faithful heart makes dreams come true..
-Is all fair in love and war?
-This kind of certainty comes once in a lifetime..

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