Tuesday 27 September 2011

Weekly Update - Trailer Soundtrack Thoughts

I had put on facebook ideas for my possible soundtracks in order to get people to comment on them, yet the findings weren't as successful as I first thought. I think that the sounds and music within a trailer represents different moods in which are attached to these and I want to show a mixture of emotions, as most romantic comedies do. So I am planning on matching the music to the moods in which my characters are portraying on screen and to do this I will further discuss possibilities for the soundtrack. Furthermore in terms of sound effects, there are free websites in which I can get these from if I decide to do so. I have looked at professional texts to see which music they stereotypically use and it shows they use a mixture of upbeat yet slow songs, so I am going to do this yet use songs in which I feel will replicate my genre, as well as show the narrative clearly. I had researched romantic songs on both YouTube and Google to see what stereotypical people expect and see what had came up. I had found a few in which I thought could be easily replicated and what would be well suited to my genre. I had found the following videos:

You and Me:


You and I tonight:

All I want:

I had liked all of the songs above and I feel a mixture of these can shows the turning point of emotions and situations throughout the trailer, and these also could replicate that of a realistic manner because of the lyrics mainly and the mixture of soft, then upbeat music. I haven't yet decided what Songs I am going to use but I feel any of the songs in which I choose will be well suited to both my narrative and the genre but some may be harder to replicate than the others. I think that the top song (You and Me) would be easier for my artist to replicate but it may show too much of the romance within the genre rather than anything else but I feel it is well suited to the genre because of the slow tempo and the meaningful lyrics. In terms of The bottom trailer 'All I want' I think even though this shows the upbeat side of the genre it may be harder for my artist to replicate and I couldn't see it fitting well with the genre in which I have chosen like the others to, as it shows a different side to the romantic comedy genre but it does show the action so it is possible to mix this in but I will have to do a practice of performing this song. The other three songs 'someone', 'you and i tonight' and 'iris' are all well suited to the genre but I don't know if it is relevant to my narrative but I know that my artist could perform this so I may possibly use this but I will discuss this in the later section for the trailer soundtrack.

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