Thursday 22 September 2011

Flat Plans - Magazine

This is the flat plan in which I have created to replicate that of a professional magazine. I decided to call my magazine 'Reel Film' because it is a pun on words standing for 'real films' and I chose to do this because it has a double meaning, one being that the movies happen in real like (romance) and the other being reel as in a film reel. I had decided to do it like this after I had carried out my textual analyse, where I had looked at the mechanics of a professional magazine and that was when I had found the 'Entertainment' Magazine that was advertising breaking dawn and general entertainment in terms of gossip. This is where I had got my main inspiration from in terms of image and colour, I then decided that I wanted to use the colours in which I have chose. I would like to stick to a three colour palette on my magazine to make it look more professional and not too busy upon the page. I think that in a way the colours in which I have chose make it look like I have aimed the magazine at mainly females as I have used pale colours, but this is not the case. I had chose the pale colours because I thought that it shows a calming atmosphere and because I thought they had fit well with the genre. Furthermore, I have chosen a mixture of warm and cool colours include yellow, orange and blue and the reason behind this is that blue is often associated with boys whereas yellow is more of a female colour, showing that the magazine will be aimed at both genders but the image does clearly connotate the genre of the film it is advertising. I have used a range of techniques on my magazine in order to make it look more realistic and professional without making it overpowering. I had used pale blue as the background to make everything stand up off the page and also to show the calming nature that is around the two characters, with the use of darker colours for the costumes just to exaggerate the image and the characters more, and the reason I did this was due to the opinions I have gathered from feedback on my flatplans. I think that to improve the colours I could use colours in which don't correspond well together to show some of the contrast between the two characters and the narrative in which is behind my story. The image will be quite simple with the two characters close together looking like they are about to kiss eachother, and this is the reason I had used some of the colour red to show the possible danger and the passion between the two characters. I am aiming to do a close up of the two characters centrally positioned because I feel it would be more effective as both characters will be in the eyeline, represented equally to each other and does not give an impression on the characters and whom is the main importance; to some extent it leaves some mystery to it but it would be enough to draw the readers attention.I am planning on using these features continuously throughout my products to show continuity and also to keep similar font on each of my products so it clearly represents the same package. The reason I had chose yellow and orange is due to the fact that they are both quite bright colours which could signify the light-heartness of the two characters and also to show the situation as being happy, but this is not the case and I thought this would therefore signify more change by the contrast of the caption underneath being 'would you challenge fate for the one you love' this therefore shows the danger within the film itself and that not everything is always as it seems, and this was my aim. The reason behind this is because I had found from my audience research that people had preferred some mystery and also some drama or action behind the story itself so it is not all about the romance, and this therefore would also attract males. I think I chose to base my magazine on entertainment because it was less crowded and could appeal to any gender of any age range but I feel I may need to change this in order to reach my target audience which is mainly females between the ages of 16-25 but I wanted to use features in which would attract both genders, not just narrow it to just females. I chose not to do a location shot for my magazine because I thought it would give away too much and also it would draw attention away from the image on the page, which should be the main important feature. I chose not to focus too much on the costume on the magazine because it is introducing the movie and the two characters and I didn't see this as a huge factor, but I did want it to express some of the characters personalities through the clothing that the reader can actually see. I wanted to show the light coming from behind the two characters to show the outline and emphasise the characters by doing this, the way in which I am planning on doing this is by using the gradient tool on photoshop and I have gathered opinions on the matter and it is proven to be a popular idea. Each font in which I am going to use is going to be bold so that it stand out off the pale blue background with only the masthead and 'exclusive' banner being in capitals to emphasise this. I am planning on having the masthead black with the inner masthead being red, and the sell lines and above banner being a mixture of yellow and orange, for the reasons in which I have stated before. I felt that these colours would apply to both genders and also connote the idea of warmth, love and also the calming atmosphere. I want all of the fonts to be quite plain so that they are not part of the stereotypical 'curly' font in which is often used in romantic comedies and I chose to use a plain text so it is easy to read and I am going to further discuss the fonts I am going to use and why in a later post.

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