Wednesday 28 September 2011

Sound Update - Trailer Soundtracks

I have narrowed down my choice of soundtrack to the following:

 Kelly Clarkson - I forgive you:

I thought that this may be well suited to my genre because of the lyrics and due to the reason that it is quite upbeat and this resembles previous trailers and professional texts I have previously looked at. I think that in a way this song does show some of the pain in which will be within my narrative and this will later be explained in the sound conclusion. I think that because it is a new song it would not be well known yet, and this is one of the reasons in which I chose this as I want it to seem more original and I think it would fit well within my trailer in the middle. I think this will be the main sound track but it will not be exactly like the original song as I think it would then be too similar and I wanted all of the trailer to be quite original.
 James Morrison ft Jessie J - Up

I think that this is well suited to the genre because it is quite a soft song and the meaning is there and it would be fitted to my characters and the narrative as well. It is quite similar to professional texts I have looked at, like the trailer for 'A walk to remember' and I then thought I could use this at the beginning of the trailer as it is introducing the two characters falling in love. I think this song would show the plot well as the lyrics are showing how things can only get better and how it is never to late, and this factor is what I want to represent within my trailer.
Twenty Twenty - Worlds Apart

I thought this would be a good song for my trailer because the title is 'When two worlds collide' and this song is explaining how two different people fall in love and shouldn't work but it does, so I think this defines my plot very well.

I will further discuss these decisions within my sound conclusion in terms of where I will get these songs to put into my trailer and I will then go into detail onto which songs I have chosen, because often romantic comedies only use two songs within the two minute trailer as the story is moving on, so I will have to choose just two.

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