Friday 7 October 2011

7/10/11 Update

So far I am happy with how far I am in the subject but I think I need to organise to record the trailer within the half-term so that I am not behind. However, there is an issue with the main male character so I am planning on sorting this today and recording the shots with the female on her own to begin with so that I have something to edit according to my storyboards. I know that the female character is gathering a male character so I don't think this is an issue but the recording is a bit behind schedule than what I wanted but I know exactly how I want everything to be so I think the production process will work out fine. In terms of the poster, I know the exact layout but I can't say the same for the magazine because I haven't yet had text shots for this and it could be more difficult than that of the poster because it has to be able that I could place the sell lines around the image so that it isn't dull and empty, but I also don't want it to be to crowded. I have full confidence however that I can do this in the time given.

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