Monday 3 October 2011

Things I have learnt, How to improve.

I have looked at the previous trailers in which students have made during the media production process and learnt from these. I have looked at all of the eleven trailers and in my opinion they are not as good and realistic as they could be. The first one using a lot of the same shots in the same location and it doesn't seem to have a storyline and from this I have made the following points:
-Make sure there is a combination of shots so that it is not all the same and would interest the audience.
-Use both dialogue and suited music
-Make sure there is enough time to produce and effective product
-Get a mixture of actors which are male and female
-Make it show at least some of the narrative.
The first trailer I looked at had shown less of the narrative and was showing all the characters running away, with restricted dialogue so I feel this could've been done better. I want to improve from having a similar trailer by using a wider amount of location, and sounds within my trailer; using both male and female characters to appeal to both genres.

The second trailer I looked at uses dark lighting to connote the genre, with only two male characters and once again I don't feel that it has a possible storyline by watching just this trailer and in professional trailers you can often see where the story lies, but I am unsure with this. I made the following points:
-Use lighting appropriate to my genre and so that it isn't to dull
-Use a mixture of shots to make it realistic
-Make it have some narrative
-Use two MAIN characters, one male and one female.
I think this had shown more narrative than the previous trailer I had watched but it was a combination of random shots in which don't show anything of the narrative also once again it is within a restricted location and would probably appeal more to males.

The third trailer I looked at I thought it was quite realistic in terms of that genre because it uses loud sound effects and music when the action is occurring and it uses mainly females but the male as the kidnapper, and this is how horrors often show these types of films. I had made the following points from this:
-Avoid making my trailer like others in the genre
-Don't use the same sounds all the way through the trailer
-Show more than just the section in the genre looking at, in my case romance
-Use a variation of locations
-Make sure I check the lighting
I think this had shown a slight narrative and I could probably watch the film in which it is showing because it shows some realism of the genre 'horror' and shows it's genre specifically and this is what a trailer is used to do so I will check this in my trailer and production work.

The fourth trailer I had looked at was also a horror and I think that the text doesn't stand out on the trailer in the way in which it should but I feel that the shots provided shows realism and resembles that of a similar movie in that genre. It resembles a 'dawn of the dead' style film.
-Avoid using texts that won't stand out on the trailer
-Sometimes typical props are better than making up your own
-Check that the lighting is okay to film using
I think that because of the inter-titles it shows realism of a horror trailer yet I think that the lighting could have been better because it was quite dark but this is quite typical of a horror movie but this may just not appeal to me because of the type of movie that it is.

The fifth trailer I had looked at was the last horror and as soon as it started this was clear because of the music. However, when the characters were talking the dialogue wasn't clear and there was sound behind this and was quite clear that it was edited because it jumps slightly. Once again the text in this doesn't show up much on the trailer and it was once again of people running and it became too dark to see what was happening.
-Avoid using dark lighting
-Don't have lots of the similar shots
-Make sure the dialogue is clear
-Edit it clearly so that it runs smoothly
-Make it so that what comes next is unexpected
I think that this trailer wasn't as good as it could be and from this I am going to make sure that the lighting is relevant to my narrative and also make sure that the dialogue is clear and that I edit the trailer so that it is professional.

The sixth trailer I looked at was a psychological thriller and is professional in terms of how it is laid out yet as the music went on it became less suited to the genre. I couldn't make many points from this because it was generally quite professional but the points I have made were:
-Edit the music clearly to show how it is meant to flow
-Check that all shots are relevant.
I think that this trailer was quite professional but it could be improved by making it clear what the music is meant to be showing ; action, etc. I think that all of the shots were relevant and it has a clear narrative which I will check in my products.

The seventh trailer I looked at was a thriller and I think that it was quite effective in terms of shots and dialogue because it shows suspense and mystery. It has clear editing where the music and dialogue should be and is also realistic and professional in terms of the trailer layout
-Make sure I include logos before the trailer starts
-Make sure I get realistic actors
I enjoyed this trailer because I thought the characters had made it more realistic and also it was very professional in terms of shots, with a slight narrative which is needed to not show too much about the film.

The eighth, ninth and tenth trailer I had looked at were dramas. I think all of these were quite realistic in terms of inter-titles, layout, dialogue and music. It was clear that  they were of this genre and they were edited well. I had made the following points from this:
-Use effective soundtracks
-Use effective inter-titles
-Make sure it is clearly edited and shows the genre
-Make sure I have enough time to go to all of the locations and record, or shoot my products.
I thought that these were all good and shown the right amount of dialogue, and narrative with appropriate music so I will make sure that I will do this. Also it shows who the movie is going to revolve around and this has helped me realise I will make sure that my trailer will revolve around my two main characters because this is a typical rom com trailer feature.

The last trailer I looked at was a Body-Swap Comedy and I don't feel it was realistic and the music wasn't well suited. However, as it goes on this improves but I think the characters could of tried better in terms of acting because it seems quite false and it should be realistic.
-Make sure the music is suited to the genre
-Edit it effectively and professionally
-Realistic Actors
-Better Timing
-Good Colours
I thought this wasn't very realistic and I wouldn't be interested in this film but I thought that the colours in the trailer that were used were good as it appealed to both males and females. Also I have taken from this that I need to edit my recording material well so it suits the music and shows realism of my genre.

In conclusion, I will take all of the points above into consideration when making my product so that it is more realistic and will earn me a better grade. I will also get actors in which are realistic in terms of acting and can adapt to the plot with a wider range of dialogue to show some of the narrative.

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