Friday 7 October 2011

Costume and Prop - Poster

Looking at these four posters I have found that props are not always used within the romantic comedy genre. I have decided that I am going to use similar costume in all of my products to show continuity between them so it clear represents the same product and I am planning on using casual clothing to make it more realistic in terms of it being a natural process that happens at anytime within their lives. I am planning on not using any props on the poster because I feel it will make the page too busy and withdraw attention from the main image and I have found that not many romantic comedies often use this as a feature. However, I was planning on having minor props such as papers that connote letters in which are sent to both of the characters but I am not planning on using these on the print products, but in the trailer. I have further gone on to discuss in a Powerpoint presentation the reasoning behind choosing these costumes for both the magazine and poster. In terms of makeup however I want it to look very natural so I am not planning on using a large amount of makeup on my female character, mainly down to the idea that I want my female character to come across as self driven instead of trying to please others and this would then attract the male character.

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