Saturday 1 October 2011

1/10/11 Update

This week I have completed my storyboards and I am ongoing making an animation video at home, with my actors pretty much sorted. However, I was meant to have completed up to bullet point 25 already and I have not yet done this as I'm only on point 16. Realising this I am going to do more work over the weekend in order to catch up and I have looked at previous students trailers in order to see how I could make mine more realistic and professional than these, and to do this I am going to try and get my practice shots as soon as possible to see whether it works. I have already discussed my two main characters and I am planning on using:
Paige Harker and her boyfriend as the two main characters and I have got their permission for doing so, and I am using Kate Jaab as the 'ex girlfriend' and I am unsure who will play the people in which are trying to get her to move away. I am planning on using teenagers, maybe who are her friends she is living with, because I feel it would be easier to get my age rather than adults, but this might make it less effective in terms of creating a realistic trailer.
In terms of my test shoots I am planning on doing them on Monday at the beginning of the week when me and the actors are both free. From this I will be able to establish how professional the shots are and where I can fit them into my products to show continuity like other films, such as Harry Potter and Twilight.
I am currently looking at possible songs in which I think my friend Paige can replicate and in which fit to my genre, and even if these are not shown in professional texts. I am going to look at professional texts but want to use a less known song so it could be passed off as original rather than anything else, however we do not have time to write our own song because that could take weeks, maybe more.
So in conclusion, I am going to have to do work at home and complete the work in which I haven't done and complete or improve the work in which I have already done. I am planning on re-drawing my flat plan for the poster because I feel I can improve this but I am intending on showing the original flat plan I had drawn, I had changed my mind because I want to also show the romance factor rather than distance.

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