Friday 7 October 2011

Costume and Prop - Trailer

I have already created a powerpoint presentation on the decisions I am making in terms of costume and why for my print products and this would also remain the same throughout my trailer. On the powerpoint, I have created some moodboards for the costumes in which I want my characters to wear throughout the trailer as there will be a lot of changing between costumes, yet the make-up will remain somewhat the same. I am planning on using just plain, ordinary clothing for most of the trailer and this means that the male character will mainly be wearing band t-shirts with a hooded jacket, whilst the female is more smart casual wearing sorts, dresses etc. I have chose to do this so it is more realistic in terms of what is happening in the film as I want it to be seen as natural and somewhat professional. Once again however I dont feel like I will be using many props throughout the trailer because I don't see this as being relevant. However, I am planning on using some paper for notes in which the couple will recieve and just basic props in which will not give away too much of the storyline.

I have created a list in which shows what each character will be wearing throughout the trailer.

-Either smart shorts, skinny jeans or a dress
-Smart t-shirt, often patterned to show her bubbly personality
-Often boots to show that she is a girl that can have fun, even outside of her comfort zone
-Natural make-up; down to the fact I am trying to make my character more about her career, thinking about life careful and a family woman.
There are many costumes in which she could be wearing so I had created the image below to show a mixture of some of the clothing she will be wearing throughout the trailer. I chose to do it like this because the female is off a well of background, and this is shown through most of her clothing but it later comes out in the trailer she was once out on the streets and she worked her hardest to get where she is today; hence the casual clothing.

-Either band t-shirts or a strippy top
-Always wearing skinny jeans, and this is to show the style of music in which he belongs to and what he aspires to be.
-Often wears high-tops or boots, this is to show that he has some fashion sense and he creates outfits well from what he has got. It shows that he has a creative nature and even though he is not so well off he can get what he wants in the end.
There will be many costumes in the trailer in which he will wear to I have looked at models in which have a similar image and I have created a moodboard to show some of the possibilities in terms of the males clothing.

I have also gathered some images of my male character wearing some of the clothes in which could fit within the trailer, and it also resembles that of the research I have carried out on professional texts. I think the images do replicate the personality of the characters and the factors that I want to reflect in my products.


Smart Casual

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